Global Forex Institute 22 August 2015 Cape Town

He is 23 years old, and is a multi-millionaire who made his first million at age 22. He is from Umlazi in KwaZulu-Natal. His name is Sandile Shezi.

Sandile Shezi
Sandile Shezi

I read a headline about him on my Facebook feed, and so began my research on him and the Global Forex Institute. By the end of that day I had booked my seat to attend their presentation at the Waterfront, Cape Town (22 August 2015­).

The turnout was huge, people want to get rich or die trying out here. George Van Der Riet started off the session as he introduced Mr.Sandile Shezi to the attendees. The fire and passion can be heard in his voice as he told his story on how he started trading FOREX. He opened his trading account while he was still in Matric! Do you remember what you were doing in your Matric year? I was all about getting good grades so I could finally be out of the school system.

Sandile was inspired by African millionaires, such as Aliko Dangote amongst others. He spoke of the countless letters he wrote while searching for a trading mentor to guide him on his journey. George Van Der Riet, who was working in London at the time, took an interest in Sandile and embarked to help him expand on his trading knowledge.

Another person he reached out to was business man Lebo Gunguluza, from whom he learned that the key to success is to want success as much you want your next breath.

Sandile and George went on to start the company Global Forex Institute with the aim of educating the masses on how to trade forex successfully. If you are going to learn Forex trading, you might as well learn from the best, right? George is the Top Trader in Africa for 2014 & 2015 according to

During the presentation, he shares the basics that you need to know to start trading. The trading jargon is explained, terms such as Bullish/Bearish/Long/Short, as well as knowing WHEN to buy/sell.

The Global Forex Institute offers 4 modules that go in depth in the business of trading, they also offer unlimited mentorship. Those who register for the modules are equipped with the tools to enable them to become successful forex traders.

Visit Global Forex Institute website  for details of the next presentations, the ball is in your court. Time to make you next move your best move!